Polaris EVO Main Body – Microtextured Color


Polaris EVO Main Body synthesizes years of ergonomic studies on lightsaber hilts. Soft curved surfaces and edged shapes provide all support needed to perform quick maneuvers when brandishing Polaris.

Size: 18 cm length x 3,8 cm diameter


SKU: N/A Category:


Polaris EVO Main Body synthesizes years of ergonomic studies on lightsaber hilts.

The soft curved surfaces and edged shapes provide the hand all support needed to perform quick maneuvers wen brandishing Polaris, additionally, the innovative micro-texture surface treatment confers to the “Dark Matter” color an exceptional grip and feel at touch!

Polaris EVO Main Body is backward compatible with Anima NXT and past generation Anima.
Size: 18 cm length x 3,8 cm diameter


Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg
Dimensions 18 × 3.8 × 3.8 cm

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